Task 1: Unit Tests

Please create a seperate branch for each of the sub-tasks and create a Merge Request every time. You can find detailed instructions on the Git Workflow page.

Understand the Function

The repository that you created in task 0 mostly consists of two python files cli.py and processing.py. The file processing.py contains a function called invert_image which is not properly tested.

Try to understand what it does.

If you want more clarity on how it works, it might be a good idea to take a look on a unit test. Try to find the unit test that corresponds the invert_image function.

Extend a Unit Test

Now it is your job to change that. In the file tests/test_processing.py there is a function called test_invert_image_one_pixel. This is a first basic unit test you can start with.

Do not forget to create a Merge Request and merge it.

Add a Second Unit Test

Now that we have one unit test for the function invert_image we want to check if it really works properly. Therefore we want to write a another unit test.

In the file tests/test_processing.py there is a function called test_invert_image_two_pixel. Please use this function to write a second unit test.