========== Unit Tests ========== Idea ____ We want to test a unit of code to make sure it does what we expect, i.e. .. code-block:: python def test_addition(): # given summands = [3, 2] # when the_sum = sum(summands) # then assert the_sum == 5 Main ingredience of a unit test * test data * the functionality you want to test * meaningful assert statements Code of Conduct _______________ Some things to keep in mind when writing your unit tests. +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | Does | Do nots | +==========================+==========================+ | bring your own test data | API calls | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | temporary files | read test data from files| +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | negative control | mocks | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | self-sufficiency | | +--------------------------+--------------------------+ | focus on your own package| | +--------------------------+--------------------------+